Hager -
Spesialisten innen el-installasjon

Hager og Tehalit
Hager er kjent for løsninger som er enkle å installere, enkle å bruke, og som stadig utvikles videre.
Det være seg elektrofordeling, kabelforlegning, bygningsautomasjon eller sikkerhet for både boliger og offentlige bygninger; takket være Hagers omfattende service vet profesjonelle elektrikere at de er i trygge hender.
Varemerket Tehalit er nå integrert i Hager, en løsning der begge parter er vinnere. Resultat: et nytt, forbedret Hager varemerke og kun én leverandør for kunden.

It’s good to have you here!
For 60 years we’ve been growing our business together with customers like you.
60 years ago the company was founded in Ensheim in the Saarland region by Hermann Hager and Dr. Oswald Hager together with their father Peter. Four years later, this three-person start-up established another major site in Obernai in Alsace.
In other words, Hager has been multinational from the start. We’ve learned to serve and understand customers from a wide variety of markets, according to their own individual needs.
Today we have 23 production sites around the globe. Customers in over 95 countries worldwide trust in our solutions. And our customer base grows every day.
One major success factor for us is our long-standing close relationship with installers of the trade sector. We develop our solutions together with customers like you, we grow together and we celebrate our success together.
We endeavour to respond to you and your requirements with constantly enhanced solutions. Instead of providing just products, we develop increasingly comprehensive services and solutions.
It is thanks to customers like you that we have become the market leader we are today. And that’s why, this year especially, we’d like to say thank you for your confidence in us!
As a family business we are committed to long-term success, not short-term profits.
Our values are crucial in this regard. We act in a partnership-based and reliable manner (integrity). We are true to our convictions and values (authenticity). And we have the courage to pursue unconventional approaches and solutions, which is vital for genuine innovation.
Sustainability is in our nature. We preserve resources, take our social responsibility seriously, and manage our business in line with ethical principles. These three aspects are at the heart of our sustainability initiative E3.
In this way, we want to consistently improve on how we serve those to whom we owe everything: customers like you.
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